Therapy Green tea for fat people

Green tea is one of famous herbal tea in the world. Green tea is also can be use as weigth loss. If you wondering why green tea can reduce weight, let me reveal it for you.

Green tea has various nutrition, including antioxidant, theophyline, theobromine, vitamin, saponin and epigallocatechine. Those ingredient are helping to fight infection and maintain the body temperature. Green tea also have importan part in fat body metabolism.

Good metabolism can help you to burn fat more faster. Epigallocatechine is the main reason for weight loss. Nutrient will increase your body metabolism and also reduce your appetite.

Polyphenols in green tea dissolve triglyceride. Triglyceride is needed for your body, but excess trigluceride cause fat deposit. Green tea can prevent that fat deposit.

Green tea create hot body, this reaction known as thermogenesis which is burning fat. that's way, green tea is one of natural method to burn fat in your body.

Stress caused DEATH!!

Mood can stimute reaction in your digestive system, when you stress it will cause your digestive system disturbed. Enteric nervous system or gastointestinal often refer to as second brain. The digestive system is depend to the neurons and neurotransmitter to finishing it's certain function and also to keep in touch with the central nervous system.

If you got stress it will effect to your digestive system. Psychology stress can interfere alimentary canal contraction. It will cause inflammation and increase susceptibility to infection.

If your intestine got stress it will cause chronic abdominal pain, irritable bowel and other unpleasant states. How to minimize damage in our mental and phsical health? first you have to identificate the source or your unpleasant states or when you feel something wrong with your digestive system, then try to relaxing your body, it will reduce your pain. You can also take a meditate lesson to recharge your mood.

Digestive and brain have strong connection. Studies showed that if patient run stress theraphy and mental anxiety, it will reduce the symptom of indigestion.

Powerful sex with Oyster

If your sex desired lower than as usual and you want to increase that passion with natural way. You should try to consuming food that can increase your sexual passion. You can add this food in your daily diet. You can get nutrition and other benefit which is to increase your sexual health.

Sauteed oyster

Oyster in a variety of dishes can help you to increase your sex passion. Oyster rich with natural zinc, this mineral has proved can increase testosterone in women and men. Especialy for men, oyster can increase the amount of sperm. This food is also have dopamin, the happy hormone.

Raw celery

Consuming raw celery or cook can lift your libido. This vegetable contain androsterone. Male body use the androsterone to attract women. Celery also believe can make semen more sweet and reduce salt taste or chlorine in semen.


Banana stimulate libdo because it rich with bromelain enzyme. Banana also increase your energy level because it potassium and riboflavin.


Avocado have a high fat but this fruit contain high Vitamin B6 that help your body to producing more sex hormone.

Killer tips to reduce weight

Women want to getting ideal weight after they give birth. There are many ways to reduce your weight including diet. You can take balancing diet just like Beyonce Knowless, stay slim after giving a birth.

Ideal body shape and weight after giving a birth it doesn't sound that easy. You'll have to think your child health so it doesn't interfere the breast feed activity.

Pick your protein

Protein is to increase metabolism and support muscle mass. You should choose poultry or seafood. You also can get proten from other meals such as grain, this alternative will give you antioxidant and extra fibre. It will give you more longer satisfied sense and prevent hungry sense.


Fat from vegetables is very important to controling your weight, because it will add satisfied factor when you eat. Belly fat is need to absorbing antioxidant. you can choose peanuts, grains, peanut butter, avocado and many other vegetable oil, such as olive oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil.



Adding spices to the food is fantastic way to adding more flavour and taste without adding natrium or sugar. Studies showed that vegetable materials can be one of method to reduce weight. Natural spice such as garlic, ginger, cinnamon and chili can burning calories, increase the satisfied sense and it more powerful than fruit or vegetable antioxidant.

Penn State University studies said that if you consumed two spoon of seasoning and spices in the food, especially rosemary, oregano, cinnamon, turmeric, black peper, garlic powder and paprika, it result more higher blood level than antioxidant and reduce 30 percent of fat in blood.

Lettuce - Fertility Icon

Lettuce usually eat as complementary foods. Lettuce have fresh and crispy taste. Beside the taste, lettuce have many benefit that can help to keep your health.

Lettuce have various mineral such as iron, manganese, calcium, copper, magnesium and potassium. Potassium is an important substance that help to maintain blood pressure and increased heart health by controlling body liquid balance. Calcium help to strengthen teeth and bones. Copper and iron help in red blood cell production in body.

Lettuce also contain folates and Vitamin C. Folates help to maintain healthy fetus during the pregnancy period. It also reduce complication possibility. Vitamin C can increase the immune system and help to fight infection. Although, lettuce is very usefull for our health, befor you cook or consume it, you'll have to make sure it clean. Lettuce is one of vegetable that the most vulnerable got pesticide. Always clean your overall lettuce with cold water before it consume or cook

Codein drugs can kill your childs

Never accept codeine as medicine for your child. US Health Regulator recently made a stern warning for that drugs. Codeine usually give to childs that will take tonsil remove operation, adenoid or both. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced in their site that they have found death cases for child who suffer obstructive apnea or acute sleep disorder after they take codein as their druglist. They found that codein can be changed into moprhine by liver.

Children liver have an ability to change codein. If codein change into morphine and in large amount, it would be dangerous. FDA found that death cases and serious side effect of codeine, that way they review the codein safety. Patient who receive condein will have shortness in their breath and eventually will lead to death.

Virus like SARS haunt 4 countries

Coronavirus that appeared in last year still watched by the health expert. The virus character is resemble as SARS virus. There are a few report that people died because the virus.

People concern if Coronovirus can spread fast from human to human. Professor John Watson (Chief of Respiratory diseases departemen at Health Protection Agency (HPA) England) said that threar of contagion is very low.

" If Coronavirus more contage , we will see many cases in public, until now, we only see a cases from it's first case within 3 month"

Coronavirus can cause pneumonia and kidney failure. New typse of Coronavirus was first found in Qatar male. He got sick after fly from Doha in September. there are 4 patien in England, the laboratorium test has confirmed for five cases in Saudi Arabia, two in Yordania and one in German. Many of them got infect when they took a travel to middle east and Pakistan