Killer tips to reduce weight

Women want to getting ideal weight after they give birth. There are many ways to reduce your weight including diet. You can take balancing diet just like Beyonce Knowless, stay slim after giving a birth.

Ideal body shape and weight after giving a birth it doesn't sound that easy. You'll have to think your child health so it doesn't interfere the breast feed activity.

Pick your protein

Protein is to increase metabolism and support muscle mass. You should choose poultry or seafood. You also can get proten from other meals such as grain, this alternative will give you antioxidant and extra fibre. It will give you more longer satisfied sense and prevent hungry sense.


Fat from vegetables is very important to controling your weight, because it will add satisfied factor when you eat. Belly fat is need to absorbing antioxidant. you can choose peanuts, grains, peanut butter, avocado and many other vegetable oil, such as olive oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil.



Adding spices to the food is fantastic way to adding more flavour and taste without adding natrium or sugar. Studies showed that vegetable materials can be one of method to reduce weight. Natural spice such as garlic, ginger, cinnamon and chili can burning calories, increase the satisfied sense and it more powerful than fruit or vegetable antioxidant.

Penn State University studies said that if you consumed two spoon of seasoning and spices in the food, especially rosemary, oregano, cinnamon, turmeric, black peper, garlic powder and paprika, it result more higher blood level than antioxidant and reduce 30 percent of fat in blood.


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    tips to reduce weight
