Stress caused DEATH!!

Mood can stimute reaction in your digestive system, when you stress it will cause your digestive system disturbed. Enteric nervous system or gastointestinal often refer to as second brain. The digestive system is depend to the neurons and neurotransmitter to finishing it's certain function and also to keep in touch with the central nervous system.

If you got stress it will effect to your digestive system. Psychology stress can interfere alimentary canal contraction. It will cause inflammation and increase susceptibility to infection.

If your intestine got stress it will cause chronic abdominal pain, irritable bowel and other unpleasant states. How to minimize damage in our mental and phsical health? first you have to identificate the source or your unpleasant states or when you feel something wrong with your digestive system, then try to relaxing your body, it will reduce your pain. You can also take a meditate lesson to recharge your mood.

Digestive and brain have strong connection. Studies showed that if patient run stress theraphy and mental anxiety, it will reduce the symptom of indigestion.


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