Six Dangerous things for Smoker

It's not easy to stop smoking habit. That's way many people who try stopping but ended smoking again.

These are some habit that usually made smoker hard to stop smoking

1. Eat

Many of smoker think smoke after eating is the highest enjoyment. Their hand tingle and immediately want to smoke again. To prevent this, move soon after finished your launch. And do some activity to distracting your temptation, such as walking.

2. Coffee

Coffee and smoking are combination of lifestyle that we usually seen in television. Studies in 2007 said that coffee can increase the tobacco taste. How to stop this habbit? Find new coffee shop, or drink coffee more daylights, or just switch with another drink.

3. Alcohol

Just like coffee. Combination of smoking and alcohol are sexy in the smoker community. Studies said that both of it can increase each taste. To avoid it, stop drinking alcohol and after few months, a cup of wine is not trigger smoke again.

4. Stress

Actually smoking can increase the stress sign of the body but many smoker said that they smoke to reduce their stress. To avoid stress, you can do yoga or meditate, it prove can increase your success to stop smoke.

5. Driving

Driving also can increase stress, so smoker usually smoke to when they are driving. Trying to change your smoke with gum. Gum also prove reducing stress.

6. Meet other Smoker

Avoid meeting with fellow smoker usually hard to do. The solution don't bother to avoid them, it's for your own health.

Wrinkle in Ear lobe can be sign of Heart symptom

There are many studies that said that transformation of certain body shape can be a sign of certain illness. According the new studies that wrinkle in the ear lobe can be a sign of the first symptom of Heart disease.

After examination 253 people that unknown whether the got heart illness or not, research found that participates who has wrinkle in their ear lobe is risk 10 percent more higher for clogged arteries. The researcher even found that a same wrinkle in patient who had clogged arteries.

"it might be connected to the aging process between the skin and the blood vessel. Whereas ear lobe was the final point of blood vessel concentration,  so if you had blood circulation disorder then the blood cloth can be seen as wrinkle in the ear lobe" Arthur Friedlander, D.M.D., Professor in the face and mouth surgery in University of California, Los Angeles.

But no need to worry and rushing to checking your ear lobe. Wrinke is part of the aging process.

"If you found wrinkle in your ear lobe and other abnormal, such as high blood pressure or overweight and sugar level, it might be a sign for you" Dr. Friedlander.

Wake up smoking increase the risk of Cancer

Heavily smoker is hard to avoid cigarette. Some smoker even smoke right after they woke up, it's because they felt bitter if they doesn't smoke.

According independence studies, people who smoke right after they wake up has more higher risk to getting mouth and lung cancer.

From 1,945 smoker participates, they found that 32 percent of them are smoking 5 minutes after they woke up and 31 percent participates light their cigarette for around 6 to 30 minutes after they woke up.

People who directly smoke after they woke up will have more higher of nicotine-derived nitrosamine ketone (NNK) compound that causing a tumor. It's more higher than people who smoke in 1 hour after they woke up. No matter how many cigarette that they have smoke that day.

"We believe that people after woke up will smoke more often and more deeply" Leader of Research Team, Steven Branstetter from Penn State University, U.S.

Not only determine who have the more risk of mouth or lung cancer but this study also found that habit to smoke right after woke up can eliminated others factor that affect NNK level in smoker body, such as the age of the smoker, gender and what age does people start their smoke habit.

Researcher hopes that from this studies can motivating people to find new method to help smoker stop their bad habit.

The General Cause of Constipation in Baby

Constipation can make you suffer, especially when it happening to your baby. If a baby suffered with constipation, she/he will cry when they want to take poo. This usual happen to a baby so you as a parent should not panic if this situation happened to you.

Baby got constipation and having a stomache are something happening to our babies. We as a parent should know the cause of constipation and doing the right ways to handle it.

If your babies not poop in two days, it might be they suffering constipation. In normal situation, a baby usually poop two times in a day. Other symptoms is that your baby poops or feces too hard and tough.

There're a few things that made your babies got constipation, Which are:

1. Lack of liquid or water
Babies has to get enough water. If babies has high metabolism, they will release much liquid from urine and sweat. Lack of liquid can cause babies feces hard and less of moist.

2. Too much liquid release when excretion
In certain situations, babies can released too much liquid. Such as, in summer of place that have high temperature can make babies release much liquids. Babies has feed much mother milk or water to change the liquid loss.

3.The residue of Food
Protein residue can made babies suffer constipation. Such as protein from the plant (peanuts) or animal.

4. Mineral Residue
Vitamin that contain iron can made babies feces look like goat feces. If this happened to your babies, consult to doctor whether to stop giving the vitamin or reduce the doses.

5. Medicines or drugs side effect
Flu drugs and antibiotic can caused constipation. Consult to your doctor to handle this. Because only your doctor know the side effect of the drugs and how to handle if there's a side effect.

Weight loss with ice cream

Everbody love ice creams. This cold fresh food have many benefit for our health. In certain portion, ice cream give good nutrient to your body.

The main ingredient of ice creams is milk. Milk make ice cream rich of calcium. Some part of our body like bones and teeth is form by calcium up to 99%. 1% of calcium is needed by body for support other body function such as hormone secretion, neuron transmission etc.

Enough calcium can help to maintain weight. Studies said that 1,000 to 1,300 miligram calcium each day can prevent weight increasing. Beside calcium, ice cream also contain vitamins, such as Vitamin B12, A, D, and also protein. Some ice cream also added with fiber and antioxidant. The nutrient of ice cream good for your health.

Anorexia sign you should aware

Food disorder such as anorexia can be suffer by anyone. Some people might doesn't realize they got anorexia. To find out, if you got anorexia or not you can read it.

Weight loss

Excessive weight loss can make you suffer anorexia. You should realize that excessive weight loss is one of anorexia sign.

Doesn't want to go out dinner

If you always rejected outside dinner or anywhere, this can be one of anorexia sign. Women who had anorexia always shame to outside dinner. They always worried about their weight. Women avoid food because afraid to become fat.

Obsession for calorie and diet

If you over obsessed to diet and calorie, this is one of anorexia sign. Women keep their calorie and diet graphic but they doesn't aware about the side effect. This can lead to anorexia condition. Good diet is important to prevent anorexia condition.

Dizzy and weak

This is other sign of anorexia. Dizzy and weak because you didn't got healthy diet.

Way to make your children love fruits and vegetables

Parent sometime difficult to making their children eat vegetables and fruits. but no need to giving juice to your children if they can't be persuade. Fruits and vegetables contain fibre but if you processed it to become juice, the fruits or vegetables will lose it nutrient. Children only get water in juice and less of nutrient. Juice process will make fruits and vegetables release water and the fiber from fruits or vegetables will dissolve.

The best way to get fiber from fruits and vegetables by eat it directly. You can curry it to get fiber too. When we eat directly, we will get more fiber than we juice it. How to make children eat fruits or vegetables? pick up fruit with sweet taste, it because children love to eat sweet food. Combine vegetables to other food so children eat it without hestitate.